News from Ojo
11/15/01 NEW
OJO GIG DATES for November! Check
the Gigs page for Info!!!! There is now an
Ojo Chatroom for your gabbing pleasure, as well as a Message
Board!! Click the chat link on the main page!! Ojo is still working
on its' SECOND EP!! Check out FIVE
new pages of pictures, courtesy of RedHead
Russ!!! New Links! MORE Ojo tunes
are NOW available for your listening pleasure on
Check out the MP3 link on the main page!! Please check out
the CD link with new stores that you can buy
"Minutia" at! Please email
Jamie from The Bear 102.5 or use this
link to E-Quest OJO for Sunday's
"Local Talent Show"!! Check out
the Lyrics link for new song lyrics!!
On a personal
note: Please do
what you can to help all of the victims of
the terrorist attacks on our country. Donate blood,
money, food, and/or time in any way
that you can. Thank you!!